Ironsource Unity

Unity Change Log See iOS Change Log & Android Change Log for detailed changes in native later for any version 29.3.2018 – SDK Version 6.7.8. Wrap Android & iOS V6.7.8; 1.3.2018 – SDK Version 6.7.7. Adjust Banner mediation core logic – banner refresh rate is now enforced by the mediation layer (Developers should turn off refresh rate at the networks dashboard). . Unity Integration Manager – from this version on, ironSource SDK and adapters can be downloaded directly from the Unity Development Platform. Caching improvements. Improved internet connection tracking. Improved fill rate accuracy. ANR fix when using ironSource in 3rd party mediations (Android).

ironSource has released a new Unity package to support the ironSource Integration Manager tool. This tool is based on Google External Dependency Manager for Unity (formerly Play Services Resolver).

Sally Lu, Director of Customer Success at Unity, joins Melissa Zeloof to discuss the role of Unity and gametech more generally in the games industry, and what we might expect for the future. Listen to the full episode here, or read the transcript below. IronSource LevelUp Gametech: An insider’s view Unity The evolution.

Once you download ironSource latest SDK, including Integration Manager, you’ll be able to update the latest versions of ironSource SDK and adapters directly from your Unity development platform.

Follow the steps below to add Unity Integration Manager to your existing project.


  • Unity Developer Version 2017.2 or above
  • For iOS – Cocoapods applied

Add Integration Manager to your project

Ironsource Unity Plugin

If you already have ironSource Unity SDK installed in your project, please follow the instructions below. If this your first time to add ironSource Unity SDK in your project, please follow the steps here.

Delete the ironSource Directories

ironSource Integration Manager supports different directories than those used today. Before adding Unity Integration Manager to your project, you should delete the existing ironSource directories. Deleting the directories won’t affect any of your network integrations. Play chess serial number crack keygen.

Follow these steps to delete existing directories:

  • Go to your Unity project
  • Delete the following ironSource folders:
    • Assets → ironSource
    • Plugins → Android → ironSource
    • Plugins → iOS → ironSource

Update to new ironSource SDK

Ironsource unity plugin

The Unity Integration Manager is part of ironSource SDK Version and above. Follow these steps to update your SDK to the latest version, and add the Integration Manager.

  • Download the latest ironSource SDK version from here.
  • Go to your Unity project
  • Double-click on the downloaded file; the different files will be populated automatically as shown below:

Manage SDK and Adapter versions

Once you’ve updated your Unity package for the new SDK and Integration Manager, you’ll be able to view the ironSource sub-menu in the Unity menu bar.


To upgrade your SDK or Adapter versions:

  • Go to ironSource > Integration Manager
  • Choose “Install” or “Update”

If you already have the latest version of ironSource SDK or Adapters, the action Wavefunction spartan keygen. button will be changed to “Updated”, and will be disabled.

Ironsource Unity Mediation

Metricjar/atom-unity:Ironsource Unity



Ironsource Unity Banner

To apply your changes, make sure you use the “Resolve” process. This will download all relevant artifacts, according to your choices.

Manual Resolve
Go to: Assets → Play Services Resolver → Android → Resolve

This action should be performed after each change in the ironSource Integration Manager.

More Videos For Ironsource Unity »

Installing mingw w64. If you’re using Automatic Resolve, all updates will be performed when closing the Integration Manager window.


Make sure that Cocoapods is installed:
Go to: Assets → Play Service Resolver → iOS Resolver → Install Cocoapods

GitHub - Metricjar/atom-unity: IronSource.atom SDK For Unity

External Dependency Manager Changes

ironSource Unity SDK supports External Dependency Manager (formerly Play Services Resolver / Jar Resolver), from SDK Version 6.16.1+.
If you plan to upgrade your project to ironSource Unity SDK Version 6.16.1+ from ironSource SDK Version 6.15.0, 6.15.1 or 6.16.0; please follow the steps below, to make sure your integration will be completed successfully.

  • Go to your Unity project
  • Delete the following folder:
    • Assets → PlayServicesResolver
  • Import the new IronSource_IntegrationManager_vXXX.unitypackage
    Once the import is completed, the new ExternalDependecyManager folder will be added, under the Assets folder
SDKRelease DateNotes• Wraps Android SDK and iOS 7.1.5 SDK
• Performance enhancements for ironSource Network
7.1.52021/04/07• Wraps Android 7.1.5 SDK and iOS 7.1.5 SDK
• WebView crash fix (Android)
• Stability improvements (iOS)
• Improve banner logs and no fill indications (Android & iOS)• Wraps Android SDK and iOS 7.1.4 SDK
Fix a decrease in ironSource banner fill rate for Android (experienced on 7.1.3, 7.1.4)
7.1.42021/03/22• Wraps Android 7.1.4 SDK and iOS 7.1.4 SDK
Fix memory leaks for Android SDK (Banner and RV)
• Fix bug in Offerwall
• Banner performance improvements

7.1.32021/03/17• Wraps Android 7.1.3 SDK and iOS 7.1.3 SDK
Performance improvements

7.1.22021/03/10• Wraps Android 7.1.2 SDK and iOS 7.1.2 SDK
• Banner bidding support
Bug fix related to Open Measurement SDK (iOS )
• Bug fix related to SKOverlay Support (iOS)
• Banner improvements and bug fixes
7.1.12021/02/24• Wraps Android 7.1.1 SDK and iOS 7.1.1 SDK
Supports Open Measurement SDK v1.3 (iOS and Android)
SDK requires Xcode 12 (iOS)
• SKOverlay Support (iOS)

Init API changes for 3rd parties mediations (Android)• Wraps Android SDK and iOS 7.1.0 SDK
• Crash fix related to ironSource banners (ISNAdView)
• Crash fixes for Unity Dev Tools• Wraps Android SDK and iOS 7.1.0 SDK
• Crash fix related to banner events (raised on 7.1.0 Android)

7.1.02021/01/18• Wraps Android 7.1.0 SDK and iOS 7.1.0 SDK
• Set COPPA flag via API
• Unity Integration Manager improvements
• Unity Developer Tools support
• New API for ARM Postbacks, allow multiple services to register to the listeners
• Bug fixes and performance improvements
• iOS 14 and SKAdNetwork Id support bidding flow when using 3rd party mediations• Wraps Android SDK and iOS 7.0.4 SDK
• Android bug fixes
7.0.42020/12/02• Wraps Android 7.0.4 SDK and iOS 7.0.4 SDK
• ARM numeric value fix
• Crash protections, Android & iOS• Wraps Android SDK and iOS 7.0.3 SDK
• ANR fix, related to Browser User Agent

• bug fix, resolves ironSource ShowFail increase (raised on 7.0.2)
7.0.32020/10/14• Wraps Android 7.0.3 SDK and iOS 7.0.3 SDK
• Support LevelPlay Ad Revenue Measurements SDK API (ARM)
• Banner bidding support
• Bug fix – Segmentation functionality for Age and Gender returned (removed on 7.0.2)
7.0.22020/09/30• Wraps Android 7.0.2 SDK and iOS 7.0.2 SDK
• Fix crash in init process using 3rd party mediations
• Supports Xcode 12 (iOS)
• Deprecate setAge and setGender APIs. For reporting UnderAge, please use setMetaData functionality as described in the AdMob and Applovin integration guides.
• Unity Integration Manager improvements• Wraps Android SDK and iOS 7.0.1 SDK
• Adjustments in core modules (Android)
7.0.12020/09/01• Wraps Android 7.0.1 SDK and iOS 7.0.1 SDK
• Support tracking authorization status (iOS)
• Crash fix (Android)
7.0.02020/08/13• Wraps Android 7.0.0 SDK and iOS 7.0.0 SDK
• iOS 14 compatible version
• Support SKAdNetwork (iOS)
• Remove default User ID logic from supported networks• Wraps Android 6.18.0 SDK and iOS SDK
• Crash fix for NSInvalidArgumentException
(iOS)• Wraps Android 6.18.0 SDK and iOS SDK
• Remove all UIWebView references (iOS)
6.18.02020/07/29• Wraps Android 6.18.0 SDK and iOS 6.18.0 SDK
• Improve bidding performances of ironSource network
• Improve security in Android core modules
• Bug fix related to upper /lower case changes in Turkish locale (Android)
• Resolve crashes related to UpdateConsentInfo (iOS)
• Fix
hide & display functionality for banners. To enable this fix please make sure to download the SDK unitypackage manually
• Add support for Target SDK Version 30 (Android)• Wraps Android 6.17.0 SDK and iOS SDK
• Bug fix for duplicate symbol error (iOS)
6.17.12020/06/28• Wraps Android 6.17.0 SDK and iOS 6.17.0 SDK
Rewarded Video caching improvements for bidding flow for iOS
• Crash fixes related to updateConsentInfo (iOS)
• From this version on, all iOS adapters will not bundle the network SDKs
Important! This SDK version requires you to update all your network adapters to the latest version (or any version compatible with SDK Version 6.17.1). This will ensure your configuration in up-to-date.
6.17.02020/06/10• Wraps Android 6.17.0 SDK and iOS 6.16.3 SDK
Rewarded Video caching improvements for bidding flow for Android
• ANR fix when using ironSource setConsent in 3rd party mediations (Android)
• Crash fixes related to ISNNativeController loadTimer (iOS)
• From this version on, all Android adapters will be released as AAR, and will not bundle the network SDKs
• ironSource Integration Manager json and bridge changes. This requires you to download Unity SDK 6.17.0 unitypackage manually
Important! This SDK version requires you to update all your network adapters to the latest version (or any version compatible with SDK Version 6.17.0). This will ensure your configuration in up-to-date.
6.16.22020/06/01• Wraps Android 6.16.2 SDK and iOS 6.16.2 SDK
• Bug fix in cross promotion for bidding instances
6.16.12020/04/30• Wraps Android 6.16.1 SDK and iOS 6.16.1 SDK
• Rewarded Video caching improvements for bidding flow
• Bug Fix: VPN problems (Android)
• Fixed Track Network State behaviour when connectivity changes (Android)
• Bug Fix: Init events reporting (iOS)
• Crash protection in case of auction response decryption exception (iOS)
Removed redundant AppReceiver dependency.
Please make sure to download 6.16.1 unitypackage to make sure AndoridManifest.XML is updated for your Unity project
• Support ExternalDependencyManager, instead of PlayServicesResolver. Find more information here.
6.16.02020/04/13• Wraps Android 6.16.0 SDK and iOS 6.16.0 SDK
Unity Integration Manager – from this version on, ironSource SDK and adapters can be downloaded directly from the Unity Development Platform.
• Caching improvements
• Improved internet connection tracking
• Improved fill rate accuracy
• ANR fix when using ironSource in 3rd party mediations (Android)
• Fixed crash when banner is destroyed after load (Android)• Wraps Android SDK and iOS SDK
6.15.02020/03/03• Wraps Android 6.15.0 SDK and iOS 6.15.0 SDK
Banner Boost! Enhance the architecture for banner support on ironSource mediation. This will be followed by adding new networks supporting banners.
• Bug fix – allow to compile on Unity 2019.3• Wraps Android SDK and iOS 6.14.0 SDK
• Crash fixes (for Android)
6.14.02020/02/05• Wraps Android 6.14.0 SDK and iOS 6.14.0 SDK• Bug fix in event mechanism which caused a drop in app fill rate reporting.
• Crash fixes
6.13.02020/01/07• Support Open Measurement SDK
6.12.02019/12/29• Wraps Android 6.12.0 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.12.0 SDK
6.11.12019/12/11• Wraps Android 6.11.1 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.11.0 SDK
6.11.02019/12/09• Wraps Android 6.11.0 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.11.0 SDK
6.10.22019/11/11• Wraps Android 6.10.2 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.10.0 SDK (ironSource network bidding)
6.10.12019/10/06• Wraps Android 6.10.1 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.8.7 SDK (iOS 13 ready + UIWebView deprecation)
6.10.02019/09/19• Wraps Android 6.10.0 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.8.5 SDK
• Fixed ANR that originated in scenarios in which callbacks are not being called from the Main Thread• Wraps Android 6.9.1 SDK
• Wraps iOS SDK
• Unnecessary service, receiver and activity removal from the manifest.
6.9.12019/08/13• Wraps Android 6.9.1 SDK
• Wraps iOS SDK
• Deprecation of the use of ‘IronSourceEventsPrefab’ – This prefab is no longer required for the integration.
• Redundant WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission removal• Wraps Android 6.8.4 SDK
• Wraps iOS SDK
• Fixing events sending when going-to-background scenarios crash.
6.8.42019/06/24• Wraps Android 6.8.4 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.8.4 SDK
• Improved Rewarded Video logic for ironSource network within third-party party mediation
• CoreLocation requirement exclusion
• Fixing going-to-background scenario crash.• Wraps Android 6.8.3 SDK
• Wraps iOS SDK
• Manifest file adjustments to new requirements
• Fixing an edge case that could lead to synchronization issues
6.8.32019/04/08• Wraps Android 6.8.3 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.8.3 SDK
• InApp Bidding improvements
• ironSource network improvements
no internet connectivity & application goes to background scenarios optimizations with the SDK performance
• Various bug fixes
6.8.22019/02/21• Wraps Android 6.8.2 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.8.1 SDK
• Interstitial In-app bidding improvements• Wraps Android 6.8.1 SDK
• Wraps iOS 6.8.1 SDK
• Banner’s position is top instead of bottom minor bug fix.
6.8.12019/01/10• WrapsAndroid6.8.1 SDK
• Wraps iOS6.8.1 SDK• WrapsAndroid6.8.0.1 SDK
• Wraps iOS6.8.0 SDK
6.8.02018/11/26Wrap Android & iOS 6.8.0
Please note that UnityAds SDK V3.0.0 is using additional activities, therefor its manifest is different, UnityAds Adapter 4.1.3 is only compatible with ironSource Unity SDK V6.8.0 and onwards.
6.7.122018/10/15Wrap Android & iOS 6.7.12
• Please note that SDK is not backward compatible, in case using banners
• IronSource.Agent.reportAppStarted was removed from API.• Missing Macro for iOS in the build process bug fix
6.7.112018/09/06Wrap Android & iOS 6.7.11
6.7.102018/07/20Wrap Android & iOS 6.7.10• Wrap Android & iOS• Wrap Android 6.7.9 & iOS• Wrap Android 6.7.9 & iOS
2018/05/11• Wrap Android & iOS 6.7.9
• Add consent API
6.7.82018/03/29• Wrap Android & iOS 6.7.8
6.7.72018/03/01• Wrap Android & iOS 6.7.7
Adjust Banner mediation core logic – banner refresh rate is now enforced by the mediation layer (Developers should turn off refresh rate at the networks dashboard)
Integration Helper improvements