Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer Latest Version

Storage Explorer Version: 1.18.1 Build Number: 20210304.5 Platform/OS: Windows 10 Architecture: ia32 Regression From: 1.17. Bug Description. Since upgrading to the latest version I get the message 'The account associated with this container has been removed. Add the account to access the container'. Freeware version. Freeware Azure Blob Storage explorer allows tracking, analyzing and debugging your usage of storage. It also comes with full support for Microsoft Azure Storage Analytics. CloudBerry Explorer PRO makes Azure Cloud Storage management even easier, more secure and efficient. It allows to optionally enable encryption.


The Azure Storage client libraries for .NET offer a convenient interface for making calls to Azure Storage. For more information about Azure Storage, see Introduction to Azure Storage.

Libraries for data access

The latest version of the Azure Storage client library is version 12.x. Microsoft recommends using version 12.x for new applications.

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If you cannot update existing applications to version 12.x, then Microsoft recommends using version 11.x.

Azure Storage Explorer Silent Install

Version 12.x

The version 12.x client libraries for .NET are part of the Azure SDK for .NET. The source code for the Azure Storage client libraries for .NET is available on GitHub.

Microsoft azure storage explorer tool

Use the following version 12.x libraries to work with blobs, files, and queues:

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Version 11.x

The source code for the Azure Storage client libraries for .NET is available on GitHub.

Use the following version 11.x libraries to work with blobs, files, and queues:


Azure Storage Explorer Installer Download

Libraries for resource management

Use the following library to work with the Azure Storage resource provider:

Microsoft azure storage explorer app

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer Old Version
