Tomcat Http Server

Tomcat allows you to run Java code with several specifications in an HTTP web server environment. You will first have to install and configure Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer to install Tomcat. Apache Tomcat is open source web server software for Java programming that is developed and maintains by the Apache software foundation. The initial idea of Apache tomcat software was to host and deploy the Java servlet that is the server-side Java code that manages HTTP results from client application build using Java.

Tomcat is normally defined as a reference implementation of the Java Servlet and the Java Server Page (JSP) Specifications. It basically executes Java servlets and renders web pages which include JSP coding. It is available on the Apache site in both source and binary versions. Tomcat Server: Tomcat is one of the best web servers and an open-source Jave Servlet container developed by Apache Software Foundation (ASF), which is used by many developers for their project works. It has sublimed to such a greater extent just because of its classicality and its speed and implements J2EE specifications which majorly includes. The Tomcat server is the most widely used open source implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language, and Java WebSocket technologies. Apache Tomcat software powers numerous large-scale, mission-critical web applications across a diverse range of industries and organizations.

Monitoring the JVM is an important part of administering the Apache Tomcat server. The Tomcat manager provides a quick way to check our server's status by displaying how many HTTP threads are active, the storage allocation in the various memory pools plus other helpful data.


To learn how to check the status of the Apache Tomcat Server, follow these six steps:

  1. Start the Tomcat server.
  2. You'll need to create credentials to access the Tomcat manager. The instructions for setting up a user name and password were contained in steps 2, 3, and 4 in the topic Click here to learn how to deploy a Web Application Using Apache Tomcat Manager (Windows). You will need to restart the Tomcat server after completing the steps in that topic.
  3. In the address area of your browser, type http://localhost:8080/manager/html and submit that address to the browser.
  4. You will be challenged for credentials. Provide the user name and password you specified in tomcat-users.xml (make sure to provide the correct spelling and case):
    Click OK.
  5. The manager web page contains a link to the server status portion of the web page:
    Click the Server Status link.
  6. The server status area is displayed:
    The 'Server Information' panel displays a summary of your environment. The data that follows shows you the storage acquisition in the various memory pools and the thread usage for network communications by connector (e.g., HTTP). Monitoring this data over time will give you a good feeling for the resource consumption of your Tomcat server and may indicate the need to adjust JVM parameters and/or thread attribute values on the Connector element of server.xml.


In Web NMS, two packages Apache and Tomcat were used to run the server functionality. Apache as web server and Tomcat as servlet engine. As Apache was increasingly prone to security attacks, it was decided to remove Apache which served as web server. Tomcat version 5.5.20, which is bundled with Web NMS, was selected to play the dual role as web server and servlet engine. And therefore, Apache package is removed from Web NMS.

Reasons for Removing the Apache Package

Tomcat Http Server Login

  • Apache is becoming a serious security concern.

  • Feature-wise, Tomcat has all the features in Apache (Refer the detailed table below for the comparison chart).

  • More applications, like one for web server (Apache) and one for servlet engine (Tomcat) increases the vulnerability of Web NMS. Less applications, lesser vulnerabilities, makes Web NMS more secure.

  • There is reduction in size of Web NMS product (~ 13 MB). Download of Web NMS becomes faster and installation becomes easier.

  • In future, the overhead of Apache migration is avoided.

List of Security Issues in Apache Server

  • When web root of Apache is configured as the working directory of the product, then database and conf directories are vulnerable to hacks.

  • Apache allows directory browsing in the web applications.

  • We have to keep the web server features, which we are not using, turned off.

Tomcat Http File Server

Advantages of Tomcat Server

  • Tomcat can be used as web server in addition to servlet engine.

  • Tomcat also supports SSL, much similar to the way in which SSL is implemented in Web NMS. So there is no extra concern to customers using SSL.

  • Tomcat is also a Java application, hence running as Web NMS web server in SSL mode is much simpler.

  • Tomcat also has the re-direction to SSL when enabled.


Comparing the Features of Apache and Tomcat Servers with Respect to Web NMS




Act as a web server rendering static pages



Securing by SSL



Running server in a virtual IP or in a particular IP in dual NIC environment



Access control over directories and files in server root (whether to be accessible through HTTP)



Executing servlets



Executing other dynamic pages (.jsp, .js, etc.,)



Library dependency at runtime



Compare the performance of Web NMS with and without Apache server

  • Web NMS has fewer simultaneous users which can be handled by Tomcat. Apache is required only if Web NMS has too many simultaneous users (in 1000s).

  • As of now, Tomcat does not have any library dependency. Hence, the WebNMS server start up is free from library incompatibility issues.

  • When Apache was used, it redirected certain type of requests to Tomcat and handled rest of the requests by itself. With Tomcat alone, all requests are directly handled by Tomcat.

Tomcat Vs Apache Http Server

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